How to use iMacros on firefox - Pros Tutorials

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How to use iMacros on firefox

iMacros on Firefox:

Computers are vital for technological era. We use computers for many purposes, ranging from gaming to business. We all have that moment, when we would love a script doing stuff, which is composed of only repeatedly clicking buttons. For this purpose, an extension is called for. We shall use this in Firefox, which is a blink-based browser. For this macro purpose, we take in iOpus iMacros into account. First of all you need Firefox browser, latest version. After you are ready with browser, follow:
1) Download iOpus iMacros from here.
2) Restart after you've downloaded.
3) You will find an add-on icon, which looks like a cog in envelope. Click it.
4) Click on "Record" button, in sidebar.
5) Click on "Record Options", and choose according to your needs. The "select the best..." works well for many sites. For other sites, choose accordingly. "Use X/Y position..." is good for many sites, if the buttons are changing. It uses X and Y coordinates.
6) Press "Record".
7) Click the buttons you want to be repeatedly clicked.
8) Click on "Pause", and enter the amount of time you want to wait for the next button to be clicked. This is optional, but may help you.
9) Press "Stop" after finishing.
10) Click on "Play" tab in sidebar.
11) Click on the link #Current.iim in sidebar above tabs.
12) Click Edit, Edit Macro, and edit it according to your needs, then click save and close.
13) Right click on "#Current.iim", and add to bookmarks.
14) Choose "Local Option" from type of bookmark.
15) If you want to make it play, just click  on the bookmark you've just made.

So now you know how to use macro on Firefox. Don't forget to check out our other blogs, and our Facebook page.

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